Stefan S. Hegedis
Settlement Manager

Welcome to the 7th session of “Stories from the Ground”! In this edition, we are excited to introduce Stefan S. Hegedis, who works as a Settlement Manager at Centrica Energy Trading. Stefan has a wealth of experience in the energy industry, and we’re excited to hear his insights on his role and the industry as a whole. So, let’s dive in and check out what he told us here: 👉
Can you give us an overview of your role as a Settlement Manager at Centrica Energy Marketing & Trading?
As a Settlement Manager at Centrica Energy Trading, I am responsible for managing the settlements of our clients and suppliers of energy. My job is to validate all the invoices and make sure that each party has paid their fair share. Essentially, we combine all electricity producers in the pool and sell the energy to Elia, then we distribute the money that we receive from Elia to all the clients, electricity producers in that pool. My main objective is to ensure that the split is done fairly and correctly. Besides that, I am there also to further develop and improve the Settlement Department.
Does the company’s mission and vision reflect your personal values and aspirations?
Yes, definitely. The mission of a sustainable future is essential, and I believe it’s how we need to move forward as humanity. Centrica’s mission and vision of sustainability and its commitment to a more sustainable future are something that totally aligns with my personal values and aspirations. I am truly fulfilled to be part of this mission, even if I can only contribute a small percentage to making the world a better and more sustainable place. I appreciate that Centrica is continuously researching and trying to implement the best sustainable options, such as hydrogen or batteries, and always seeking to improve.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
This is a completely new industry for me, and it’s a fast-growing industry. There’s a lot going on, such as new regulations, constantly changing rules, and technologies. It’s challenging, but it also makes it very interesting. I see myself becoming an expert in guiding new people, answering questions, solving problems, and constantly being involved in shaping the future of the energy industry. I hope to grow personally and improve the business process of Centrica.
Can you tell us about your experience with Artemys?
I was contacted by Artemys through LinkedIn, and I was impressed by their approach. I was receiving a lot of messages and calls from other recruitment agencies, but Artemys stood out. They presented themselves professionally and directly, they didn’t waste my time. They explained why they thought I would be a good candidate, and I felt that they took time to understand my profile before contacting me. I felt a personal touch that made me feel like it wasn’t just a generic reach-out to everyone. Artemys provided me with all the information I needed for my interview and offered ongoing support throughout the process, which helped me secure my role at Centrica.
Did Artemys present the job description and client clearly?
On paper, the job description was as clear as possible. However, my day-to-day job became more apparent once I started working. Artemys did a good job explaining really well the values, the goals, the type of work and team environment and how employees were treated, which was essential to me because it gave me an idea of what to expect. I realised it was something I could be passionate about because I don’t do anything if I am not passionate about it. Artemys helped me prepare for the interview by focusing on my added value to the company and proof-checking for compatibility to ensure my interests matched those of the company.
How did Artemys support you during and after the interview process?
Artemys first needed to see if I would be a good match for the company, so we had a lot of conversations about my personal and professional life. Then they prepared me for the interview, and after the interview, they called me immediately to ask how it went, and to get my feedback. They were very responsive to all my questions and concerns.
They also helped me with understanding the contract, which was in Dutch, especially a few specific provisions, and provided an overall support and follow-up in terms of the procedure for obtaining my visa and other legal details. Both Mirjana and Loïc were there 100% of the time, every step of the way. Even after the recruitment process was over, they continued to reach out to me and check how I was settling in.
That’s wonderful to hear. Based on your experience with Artemys, would you say it’s a fair and reliable recruitment company?
Absolutely. What I would like to highlight is that I was contacted by Artemys about the job at Centrica two years ago and, as I said before, they continued to work with me throughout multiple stages of the recruitment process over several weeks or even months. Then I received a call from them saying that due to Centrica’s management decision on internal restructuring the job was closed, and if anything changed, they would contact me again. Needless to say, after that call I thought there was no way they would ever contact me again.
But, after a year or so, they did call me back! The job was back on the table, and before they reached out to anyone else, they remembered me and were asking me if I would be still interested in the same job at Centrica. And wow, that’s when I was absolutely sure I could trust them and rely on them completely. I think this is a really good example of Artemys being a reliable and trustworthy company, and a testament to their integrity and commitment to both their clients and candidates.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Is there anything else you would like to add about working with Artemys?
I just want to highlight that Artemys acted as a mediator between the company and the candidate and showed that they genuinely care about finding the right match for both parties. I felt well-supported throughout the recruitment process and would recommend Artemys to anyone looking for a job.
Do you have any suggestions for how Artemys could improve its recruitment process? It’s hard to say, but if I had to say something, one thing I would suggest is that the Artemys try to find out early on if there is even the slightest possibility that the company will change its mind later in the process. When I finally received the job offer, I was hesitant to sign it because I was worried that the company might change its mind again. I think it would be helpful if Artemys could try to go the extra mile and find out in time if something like that could happen, and if something can be done to prevent it, or at least provide some sort of reassurance to the candidates in case it does happen.