Vincent Liégeois
Planning Coordinator

Welcome to our 8th session of “Stories from the Ground”. Today, we have the pleasure of introducing Vincent Liégeois, who works as a Planning Coordinator at Schneider Electric. As a planning coordinator, Vincent is responsible for planning and organising resources for maintenance and troubleshooting interventions on Schneider Electric’s high-voltage equipment. Read on to discover his insights! 👉
You work for Schneider Electric as a Planning Coordinator. How do their mission and values reflect your personal values and professional growing?
The integration – that’s the greatest value of Schneider Electric. The fact that that they value the person, their background and professional experience. And the willingness to integrate you immediately into their teams that have been working for a long time together. You feel welcome from day one.
Can you tell us a little bit about the recruitment process with Artemys? How did it go?
Well, in one sentence, I felt like I had a “five-star service”… I realized immediately that Artemys had a very good knowledge of the employer – Schneider Electric. I also had the feeling that my profile was well understood before it was selected, and my plans and objectives were discussed and taken into account.
How did the process itself go?
So, first we discussed my job at the time and my then employer. Then I was explained what Schneider Electric was looking for. I remember I thought I wouldn’t be a good fit for the job.
It was very different from what I was doing at the time. I was coordinating a team of 10 people in logistics, and this was planning. It was much more static than the job in logistics. And there was also the language aspect. I used French 100% of the time, and now I was supposed to use Dutch too… On the other hand, there was a clear match between what Schneider Electric was looking for and what I was looking for.
Could you tell us a little bit more about your current job?
Well, I receive client requests regarding maintenance and troubleshooting, related to high-voltage equipment. I work closely with team managers. I look at the availability and technical skills necessary for the intervention. And then there is the administrative part and organization before and after the intervention. There is also a lot of direct contact with the team of technicians.
The relationship with different staff is part of everyday work. The relationship with the Project Manager and other departments, support services such as accounting, etc. It’s sort of a central point from which you can get the full picture. You know the problems everyone has, which allows you to better structure the work and the way things can be done.
Would you say that you are fulfilled with your current job? And how do you see yourself in five years?
I am very happy to be part of Schneider Electric. Every day brings a new challenge. And I can assure you that I learn something new every time. I am also very satisfied with my professional development at the moment. But am I fulfilled? Well, not entirely because there are still a lot of things to learn, and for that you need time. Especially about our product range. And how do I see myself in five years? I would say I’d like to do something more technical.
Could you tell us something about your first contact with Artemys? How did Artemys get in touch with you? And what were your impressions?
I responded to an advertisement that was posted online. Artemys contacted me by phone and the procedure started. At the beginning, there was no mention of the future employer’s name, I just knew it was a company from the energy sector.
I immediately had a good feeling about Artemys, and it continued throughout the process. It’s an excellent recruitment company. Because you feel treated as a human being, and not as a number on a payroll, which is a general approach worldwide.
Another positive thing for me as a candidate was the fact that I could be myself and say what I liked, and what I didn’t like. In similar situations, and from my previous experience, at an interview you always had to play a role, to show that you are perfect, but in fact that’s not the real you. Here, for example, if I didn’t want to do the night shift, I could say it loud and clear, I could say that I didn’t like it, and that was really positive.
And how did we present the job and the client? Was everything clear to you, employer’s expectations for example?
It was clear, yes. Employer’s expectations were clear. But the job description was a little too vague. The description of daily duties, I mean. It could have been more extensive. Artemys knew the employer very well, and what you told me, what you described to me was all true and correct. But there were not enough details about the actual day-to-day tasks, working hours, what kind of clients you will work with, what kind of request you will address, etc. That was a weak point, a small negative point for Artemys. Maybe a candidate should be given more insight right away over the phone. I find it important, and I think that’s one thing that can be improved.
How did Artemys help you prepare for the interview at Schneider Electric? And what kind of support did it provide during and after the process?
The preparation was very good. In each stage, I knew who I was going to meet and what was expected from me. I knew what they were going to ask me, I didn’t get the answers of course, but I knew the content we were going to talk about, the person I was going to meet, what that person is doing, etc. One thing I found very good and very positive is that after each appointment I was systematically recontacted. And what I appreciated was that the recruiter already had the employer’s feedback, but he also wanted to hear my side of the story, how the interview went, to know my thoughts and feelings about it. So, I had a full support of Artemys.
What is your general opinion about Artemys? Would you say it’s a reliable and trustworthy recruitment company?
For me, it is an excellent recruitment company. I had seen some in my life, so I think I can say something about it. As I said before, the human aspect and candidate’s technical competency is what you put first. So, if you ask me if I would recommend your company to other people, the answer is yes, I would!
Is there anything you think we could improve?
Well, I already mentioned the job description, which wasn’t clear and detailed enough for me. But there is another thing – I don’t really understand what you are doing. I mean, I know now, because I participated in the process. I know that you are working in the energy sector and that you are doing a bit of consulting. But for someone who comes across your name or visits your website for the first time, it’s not always clear what your core business is. So, I think this is something you can improve, you can clarify what you do, explain better what you offer as a service, present yourself better to the public.
And finally, is there something that you would like to add?
First of all, I’d like to thank you. I had a very good experience with Artemys, with all its employees. And then one thing that is also very positive, and I think I haven’t mentioned it before. The fact that after the recruitment process was over, there was a follow-up. I think you’re the only company which does that. Loïc stayed in touch with me after I got the job, and we even went out to a restaurant together for dinner – to catch up and see if everything was going well. I know many people who were recruited by other recruitment companies, but there was never any follow-up or anything similar after the engagement.