We consider the reduction of our environmental footprint to be the key challenge for the future generations of humanity. At Artemys, we are convinced that every individual and every company has to be made aware of the importance of preserving our ecosystems.
We have consequently opted to compensate our ecological footprint from our inception. These actions will continue to expand as we grow. In partnership with NGO “Graine de Vie” [Seed of Life], we have undertaken a commitment to fight against global warming by planting trees.
We want to extend this movement by keeping on planting thousands of trees in the name of our clients in the nurseries of our partners for each contract we conclude.
To see to the monitoring and development of this re-afforestation drive, this Belgian NGO creates a tree nursery in each of its plantation sites and trains local nurserymen to manage these nurseries. It develops an environmental protection awareness raising programme through the local authorities and schools.
To meet these goals, all the members of this NGO have undertaken to work as volunteers to ensure that all the funds entrusted to it are used directly and fully to manage the nurseries and to plant trees, and thus assume all the fixed costs inherent in the management of their projects (accounting costs, legal fees, expenses for the website, brochures, travel to the re-afforestation sites, etc.).
Conversely, all the nurserymen and workers in charge of planting trees are paid, which improves the lot of the people living in the re-afforestation areas.
“Graine de Vie” currently provides employment for more than fifty people at its four plantation sites where the nurseries are managed exclusively by women. These re-afforestation sites are situated at the far eastern part of the Island of Madagascar, in the Province of Antsiranana. “Graine de Vie” has now planted nearly 8.5 million trees, and the work continues….